Empires and Allies Exploit Tool™ v3.5 + Secrets

Empires and Allies Cheats and Secrets

Empire & Allies is Zynga's newest game that combines strategy, city-building, and Facebook friends into one addictive package. There is a ton to know about Empires & Allies. So whether you're an Empires & Allies know-it-all or you're just getting started, I guarantee you'll learn all kinds of cheats, tricks, and more from our Empires & Allies Cheats & Tips Guide. Since this is the latest game from Zynga, it won’t come as a surprise if a lot of players of this game will be searching for the latest and working Empires and Allies Cheats on the internet. And since this site is all about the said game, we will also give all the cheats on this game that we will learn while playing the game or scavenging the web for them.

You see, initially, my Empires and Allies Experts behind this amazing tool started off helping players by setting up help forums where people could go and post questions and get help to maximize profits, collect more neighbors, earn tons of Empire Cash, and much more.

Shortly after the forums became popular all the other E & A "big-timers" became angry. They didn’t want the community to know all of the easy-to-use techniques that they worked so hard to figure out. These angry "big-timers" started to attack my help forums with hate messages and I've even had my account attacked, been sent hundreds of viruses and trojans (actually this happens pretty much daily) and they even tried pressuring the biggest strategy sites to pull all my links! 

Frankly, it's extremely dangerous for me to even reveal these secrets anymore - these guys have just lost the plot and are doing everything they can to stop me and make my life totally miserable!

This Tool will help your SIM level up fast and easy!

Works on PC, Mac and Linux Computers
Runs on latest Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari and Opera browser.  

This Tool is 100% Free

 What You will get?

* Works on Empire points,Coins,Woods, Energy and XP

* Works PERFECT Globally-No matter where you stay-US,UK,CA-ANYWHERE

* Undetectable. You WILL NOT get banned for using this (100% guarantee)

* Tested on daily basis to ensure it’s functionality.

*If the hack is patched, UPDATE will be done within 24 hours

*Easy to use. Simply click hack and you are done.

*The MOST stable hack ever created on net – Run as many times as you wish without a single error.

*The ONLY WORKING and LEGIT Empires and Allies Hack on the net. (100% Satisfaction).
*24/7 ONLINE server – you will not get any error connecting to our database while using this hack (100% guarantee)

Tutorial How to Use:
1. Log in to your Facebook account and go Empires And Allies application
2. Download and Run the Empires And Allies hack tool
3. Enter stats amount you wanted to add
4. Click Start and wait until finish hacking
5. Refresh your browser and viola you will see the results 
6. Note this is For a limited time only!

Step 1:
Post this message on your wall or profile and 3 times on different facebook pages


Step 2:

Click the Like Button  to show support for the facebook page

NOTE: you must complete all steps in order for the download link to appear.

the file is at a survey site to protect, it from leechers from spreading this new working tool for sims social. 
